Did you know...
Welcome to.... "On the Corner of Brooklyn + Fifth."
We are so excited to share our first blog with you and we look forward to connecting with you and sharing with you new products and updates, parenting/grandparenting tips, what's new in the world of raising kids, guest bloggers, and everything and anything in between.
And always, we welcome your comments, suggestions, and maybe a guest blog from you now and then...
SO...let's start with Who We Are!
If you've been with us from the beginning, you know that Brooklyn + Fifth is a mother /daughter team inspired by a

super awesome little guy named Carter! 

How we got started is a whole different story....and it goes something like this!
One day way back when in the Fall of 2015, my wonderful daughter, Jenn, decided it would be a great idea to start a clothing line since she was having a difficult time finding little boys clothes that were cool, modern, edgy and trendy...my words, not hers! lol !... so she calls up her mom (me) and says how awesome this idea would be and do you think we can do this....hmmm....I am 1200 miles away at the time, semi retired and enjoying life, and thinking this is kinda crazy, but what the heck, lets try it. After several attempts at creating and designing a fun pair of leggings for Carter, who at the time was 14 months old, we came up with a design and fabric we both liked....and went to the next step of putting it out there....
Our conversation went something like this.....
Jenn: lets do a preorder @brooklynandfifth and see what we get before we launch our website, etc....
Mom: sounds good (figuring we sell a couple of pairs and go from there)
Jenn: okay...ready....we launch our presale in ...5...4..3..2..1....

Mom: (again thinking we get a couple sales) OMG....shut the presale down!!
Jenn: Why?? (laughing)....
Mom: because I have to make all these leggings!!! Shut it down!!! (panicking)
And that's how we began....Brooklyn + Fifth officially launched in the fall of 2015!! AND we have all of YOU to thank for that !!! Our customers are awesome!!!
At Brooklyn + Fifth we design and create ALL of our clothing....custom made right here in the USA!!!
We love what we do and are so excited to see all of your little ones in our designs! It's been a journey, growing and adjusting to the challlenges we have faced throughout the process, but you, our customers, have made this all possible and we are extremely grateful and humbled that we have come this far.
So... now you know! And we will continue to give you insights from behind the scenes at Brooklyn + Fifth, here..."At the corner of Brooklyn + Fifth"....so you can get to know us up close and personal...lol
We welcome any comments, suggestions, or ideas from all of you!
Don't forget to subscribe to our blog so you can stay up to date on all the new products, tips and just fun times we are going to have here !!
Thanks for joining us here "At the corner of Brooklyn + Fifth" and we look forward to hearing from you all!!
Patti (aka mom)